We are a group of singers and musicians intent on praising our Lord through a mixture of contemporary and traditional music styles. We are always looking for talented individuals who are interested in sharing their gift of music with our congregation. Praise team performs worship music at the 10:45 Contemporary Service and special services during advent, lent and Easter.
Required: Reading music is preferable but not necessary.
The Chancel Choir is a dedicated group of singers who perform hymns and anthems at our Sunday 9:00 am Traditional Service
and special services during advent, lent and Easter.
Required: To sing with others and hold a part. Reading music is preferable but learning tracks are available. We work several weeks ahead so you can miss a rehearsal occasionally and still be prepared to sing.
Christ Carillon Handbell Choir is multi-generational and is always interested in welcoming new ringers into the group. The bell choir performs anthems and hymns at the 9 o’clock traditional service and special services during Advent, Lent and Easter.
Music Reading is a plus, but we can teach music reading and all necessary skills. We will also provide beginners with a helpful ringing partner. We work several weeks ahead so everyone will be prepared to play. The only requirement is faithful rehearsal attendance. Come and join us!
Music Group | Practice Day | Practice Time | Service Performances |
Bell Choir | Monday | 4:50-6:00pm | Traditional Service |
Chancel Choir | Monday | 6:00-7:00pm | Traditional Service |
Praise Team | Monday | 7:15-8:30pm | Contemporary Service |
First United Methodist Church of Winter Garden
125 N. Lakeview Ave, Winter Garden, FL, 34787